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Youth Information and Counselling


1. Tutkimuksen nimi

Youth Information and Counselling

2. Tutkimuksen tiedot

Tutkimuksen tekijä/tekijät (etunimi sukunimi)

Jaana Fedotoff ja Mika Pietilä



Tutkimuksen koko nimi

Fedotoff, Jaana & Pietilä, Mika (2011). Youth Information and Counselling. In Merikivi, Jani & Timonen, Päivi & Tuuttila, Leena (eds.) SÄHKÖÄ ILMASSA - NÄKÖKULMIA VERKKOPERUSTAISEEN NUORISOTYÖHÖN. (CHARGED UP AND ONLINE: AD-VANCES IN YOUTH WORK). Finnish Youth Research Society, The University Of Ap-plied Sciences (HUMAK) And City Of Helsinki Youth Department: Helsinki.




Tutkimuksen kuvaus

Englanninkielinen abstrakti

According to one definition, the principal tasks of youth information and counselling are the provi-sion of information, guidance and counselling to young people. How does this work change when it goes online? Do the approaches and requirements change from meeting face-to-face? Which pro-fessional skills are emphasised and what are the prerequisites for online counselling? In this ar-ticle, Jaana Fedotoff, Coordinator, and Mika Pietilä, Planning Officer from the National Coordina-tion and Development Centre of Youth Information and Counselling Services attempt to address these questions by comparing meeting face-to-face with meeting online and by considering the principles of the European Youth Information Charter.
The 2010 amendment of the Finnish Youth Act (2006) placed a greater emphasis on developing information and counselling services directed at young people. The fact that youth information and counselling was mentioned in the Youth Act as one of statutory services for young people was a strong indication of the importance of these services for people working in the sector. The first youth information and counselling services were provided in the 1980s at various service centres and points. These services also included web-based information provision and counselling. After the recession in the early 1990s, this service provision model has become more popular. At the same time, co-operation and networking with other organisations in the youth service sector – even when it comes to creating web-based services for young people – has become more and more important. First and foremost, youth information and counselling services in every shape and form are preventive youth work, aimed at supporting young people‟s equal opportunities for a good life and healthy development.
In this context, the concepts of provision of information and guidance as well as counselling have a similar meaning, regardless of medium or operating environment. However, the tools and environ-ment do have an impact on the nature of the work and bring to the fore certain special features, such as ethical issues. Over recent years, the tools and channels of web-based youth information and counselling services have become more diverse. In addition to websites, social media also present new opportunities, and they have made available an expanding, diversifying matrix of ser-vices and organis

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3. Yhteystiedot

Yhteyshenkilön nimi

Jaana Fedotoff

Yhteyshenkilön organisaatio

Koordinaatti - Nuorten tieto- ja neuvontatyön kehittämiskeskus

Yhteyshenkilön sähköpostiosoite



tutkimus, tutkimushaku, palvelujen tuottajat, peruskoulu, lukio, ammatillinen oppilaitos, ammattikorkeakoulu, nuorisotoimi, nuoret, koulutuksessa olevat, koulutuksen ulkopuolella olevat, siirtymävaiheessa olevat, perusasteella opiskelevat, toisella asteella opiskelevat, korkea-asteella opiskelevat, yleinen tuki, menetelmät ja työmuodot, palveluhenkilöstön osaaminen ja koulutus, palvelujärjestelyt, palvelujen esteettömyys, palvelujen saatavuus, palvelujen laatu, palvelujen koordinointi, valtakunnallinen, 2011, tieteellinen artikkeli


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