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1. Tutkimuksen nimi

Applying phenomenography in guidance and counselling research

2. Tutkimuksen tiedot

Tutkimuksen tekijä/tekijät (etunimi sukunimi)
Jaana Kettunen & Päivi Tynjälä
Tutkimuksen koko nimi
Applying phenomenography in guidance and counselling research. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03069885.2017.1285006
Taylor & Francis

Tutkimuksen kuvaus
This paper examines phenomenography as a viable qualitative approach in guidance and counselling research. A phenomenographic study maps the qualitatively different ways in which people experience a specific phenomenon and helps researchers to describe the aspects that make one way of experiencing a certain phenomenon qualitatively distinct from another. This paper presents an overview of phenomenographic research, encompassing theoretical, methodological and practical considerations. The application of this approach in guidance and counselling studies is illustrated with examples.

Englanninkielinen abstrakti
This paper examines phenomenography as a viable qualitative approach in guidance and counselling research. A phenomenographic study maps the qualitatively different ways in which people experience a specific phenomenon and helps researchers to describe the aspects that make one way of experiencing a certain phenomenon qualitatively distinct from another. This paper presents an overview of phenomenographic research, encompassing theoretical, methodological and practical considerations. The application of this approach in guidance and counselling studies is illustrated with examples.

Verkko-osoite/osoitteet ja linkit
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3. Yhteystiedot

Yhteyshenkilön nimi
Jaana Kettunen
Yhteyshenkilön organisaatio
Jyväskylän yliopisto, Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos
Yhteyshenkilön sähköpostiosoite


tutkimus, tutkimushaku, metodi, fenomenografia, 2017, palvelujen käyttäjät, palvelujen tuottajat, menetelmät ja työmuodot, alueellinen, valtakunnallinen, kansainvälinen, tieteellinen artikkeli


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