VOKES – Finnish Centre for Lifelong Guidance Expertise
Finnish Centre for Lifelong Guidance Expertise is a network of expertise in the field of guidance that shares local, regional, national and international knowledge. The centre’s work is based on the results of Finnish and international evaluation research. The Centre examines lifelong guidance at a macro level in three dimensions: as a policy, as an activity of individual organisations or networked services (sometimes in collaborative contracts between the public administration and the private and voluntary sectors), and as an individual process. As citizens progress in constructing their life or career, they may look for services from several professional groups or service providers. There is a need to develop consistent networked lifelong guidance services across sectors in order to assure quality, guarantee access and social equity in accordance with local cultural, economic and social contexts. The Centre works with relevant ministries, authorities and stakeholders in order to promote more effective policy development and more consistent and coherent guidance services. The Centre hosts national webinars and hosts a clearing house of national research and development projects in the field of lifelong guidance. |
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